Don't forget, you can't see me!
Don't be sad, I'm a spirit so lucky
My life is now, a destiny not a prison
My eyes are so lighted, be full of reason!
The way of the wisdow seems so easy,
However I take my part of my responsability,
Don't say why, because it's my only way
And my heart is full of missions, be on my way!
Why do you agree with me without passion?
Why don't you call me with a big decision!
Unlucky I am! A world of fascination for you!
And me, the Graduation of a little smile to you!
Tell me, tell me, tell me more, I'm so tired!
My smile is about to fascinate, I can't be tired!
Don't you see now the channel of the spirituality!
Don't forget me, I'm the mirror of my life, be lucky!
Christine Duhamel.